Application For NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan 2019/2020 For All Corp-Members | portal.empo – Empower The Corps, ETC is a portal devised for every Corp – members to acquire an immediate loan, and the NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan 2019/2020 is giving out fast loans to all serving Corps members with amounts covering from N50,000 to N100,000.
NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan
We are pleased to inform the general public and especially NYSC Corp-Members of the ongoing NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan platform that was created to assist Corp-Members with capital to start-up business of their choosing.
Empower The Corps. Etc was set up by Credit Direct Limited with the purpose of supporting NYSC Corps Members financially while in their service of Nigeria.
Care to get clear information on how to apply for the NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan? Then make sure to read through this article so you that can get the vital information needed.
NOTE: Be advised that this Article is solely created to inform the Nigeria Youth Service Corps, NYSC of the NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan which is made obtainable via their official website @, and is available for all suitably qualified and interested Corp-Members that might show interest.
NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan is Organized By Credit Direct Limited
Empower the Corps; ETC is a platform created to give capital medium to the Corp-Members to start-up their businesses immediately after SAED training and to make an avenue of financial services to NYSC Members to get professional certifications & acquire Assets.
ETC Programme four (4) tailored packages are:
- NYSC Members registration & Authentication
- NYSC Members Loan Application & Approvals
- NYSC Members Profiling & Activation
- Loan expending & Repayment
This Package is designed to aid Youth Corp-members to register and connect with the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development, SAED. With the BIZ STARTER ETC, PACKAGE NYSC Members can quickly offer a Loan to start up their craved businesses, through which revenue can be obtained, and employment opportunities can be generated.
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This Package will help NYSC Corps Members who care to buy diverse sets of Merchandises such as; white goods, household goods and other Revenue generating Products such as; power generators, freezers, grinding machines, etc. The ASSET ETC PACKAGE ensures that these Products will be delivered to NYSC Corp-Members at an affordable price at their doorstep.
This Package provides a beautiful opportunity for the NYSC Corp-Members who are interested in career advancement and Professional trainers all over the country. It provides the medium to the NYSC Corps Members to get an additional platform that broadens employment opportunities as soon as they are through with their Service.
If the above Packages don’t meet your demands, then apply for CASH ETC PACKAGE which will cover all areas related to financial responsibilities.
NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan Requirements:
- NYSC ID card
- SAED issued Attestation Form
- PPA Posting letter
- Well written & signed/stamped Letter of Undertaking by NYSC Member displaying signature & date
- A Clear photograph of yourself in Full NYSC Regalia
- A passport photograph
- Working ATM Card
Steps To Apply for NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan:
- Visit
- Connect to Empower The Corps Social Networking Portal via creating your profile
- Register your data on Empower The Corps Portal
- Ensure to provide all required and complete documents
- When through with the above, move to apply for your desired package
- Input NYSC Call-up Number to proceed
- Input your password and then login
- You can create your account @
- Click Register to have your account ready.
If any part of this piece, NYSC ETC Quick Cash Loan isn’t cleared, Please, ask us for more enlightenment by using the comment box below.
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