
Pregnancy is a time of joy for most parents, filled with hope, excitement and expectations. But pregnancy could also be a time of worry and fear, particularly when it comes to the issues of stillbirth, the death of a baby inside the womb or at birth.
Going nine months without a baby is every pregnant woman’s worst nightmare and the most traumatic experience a woman can go through.

According to a new study report by Lancet, an estimated 313,700 babies died in their mothers’ womb in Nigeria last year. In addition to about 58,100 women who died from pregnancy-related causes. Many of them are not known because they go unrecorded. This is a shocking statistics, but there is also a shocking lack of awareness and access to information about stillbirth. Despite the large number, stillbirth is a topic not much talked about at antenatal visits.

Proper pregnancy care does not involve only regular antenatal checkups but also familiazing yourself with what is normal activities for your baby.

Many babies are born dead due to their mothers’ ignorance and negligence. They fail to pay attention to their babies activities. A baby does not die suddenly in the womb, it gives enough warning signs. Death occurs when the mother fails to recognise those signs on time. For instance, a significant decrease in baby activities is a signal that the baby is in distress usually involving the umbilical cord.

My advice to you and every pregnant woman is to always bear in mind that any pregnant woman can have a stillbirth and even though routine antenatal classes and check-ups will help you to monitor your baby’s well-being during your pregnancy, you are in the best position to notice when something does not feel right with your baby, such as if your baby is less active than normal.

The women who have experienced stillbirth often say they would have sought intervention promptly if they had known the early warning signs and the factors that increase the risk of a woman having a stillborn baby.

It is therefore important that you have access to information that will help you to recognize the early warning signs of stillbirth and measures to take to reduce your risk of having it as you progress through your pregnancy.

» The developmental milestones in the womb
» Types of stillbirth
» What causes the death of a baby in the womb
» Who is at risk for a stillbirth
» Factors that increase the risk of stillbirth
» Foods to avoid during pregnancy
» The best exercises for pregnant women
» How to know if your baby is dead inside your womb
» The early warning signs of stillbirth to look out for
» Precautionary measures to prevent stillbirth
» True life stillbirth stories from the affected mothers

“I remembered reading a pregnancy book but I skipped over the chapter of stillbirth because I thought that did not apply to me since i was not having a high risk pregnancy. Certainly not but sadly so. I lost my son due to my ignorance and negligence. He kinked his cord and passed away few days to my delivery date. If i had gone through the stillbirth early warning signs chapter, i would have known that my baby was in distress and seek intervention promptly. And maybe could have saved him.”

Mrs Gina

Surulere, Lagos

P.S: I therefore implore every pregnant woman to have access to information about stillbirth especially the early warning signs to look out for and measures to take to reduce her risk of having it as she progress through her pregnancy.

PRICE: #1,500

Don’t allow your baby to die in your womb. Download this book to know the precautionary measures you can take to prevent your baby from dying in your womb. A stitch in time they say saves nine!

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