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       The book title did not come to me as 19,800 will cease, it came as an impression of Jeremiah 8:20 into my heart by the Holy Ghost one cold night as I was praying for by my father in the lord “the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved”

      When 19,800 stop, where will it leave you? Will that bring a sudden end to your exciting life? 19,800 should not define your existence yet it has power to define your life. You are here for purpose. It is when you don’t know where you are coming from and where you are that you can be confused about where you are going.

      If you live for the purpose of whom you are created to, God is not unjust, he will guide and lead you to your next phase of life and much more to fulfill the purpose.

      That testimony in Jeremiah8:20 is a tragic one. If they are not saved in the day of salvation, what remains for them is death. When you fail to do what you should have done at the right time, it becomes a problem for you.

     Your life is more than 19,800, you are created for a purpose and that purpose of God for your life is part of the course for which you were posted wherever you got posted to.

     Take up the responsibility both God and the Government has given you seriously, knowing that it is a test and assignment from them and see the brighter future. Commitment turns the face of God to you while His face is far from the idle.

     Let me leave you with Romans12:11 “not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord”.










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